Friday, April 24, 2020

The Jalstav

The Jalstav

By: Dark Raven

In the beginning Nymelet, the goddess of night and of the darkness surrounding all things, was the only god in existence. But many eons before the creation of man, three more beings formed. Nyalm, the god of stars, Facortan, the god of time, and Aphorac, the god of Yesterrealm, which also formed alongside the first deity. For many more eons the four were alone, until another three gods, and one goddess came to reality. These were Evalnir, the god of wisdom and counseling, Wendilin, god of the wind and giver of life, Edwelor, god of nurturing, and Yilmer, the first goddess of beauty and nature. These four gods came to live on Yesterrealm, where Aphorac took them in as his children, and they lived for over five hundred years in harmony. But trouble came, as both Wendilin and Edwelor came to love Yilmer, and both wished for her hand in marriage. This love for the same goddess came to form hatred in the gods, creating in the shadows Javicar, the god of Jealousy and twisted thoughts, who encouraged the twos bitterness, and brewed wicked lies about what each said about the other. Finally, it came to the point where neither could hold back, and at the center of Yesterealm, at the spring known as Hasdrat, the two battled. Yilmer tried to end their feud, but blinded by rage the two struck her down, and fall into Hasdrat. Once they realized the terrible act they had committed, both started to weep, as did Aphorac, who loved her as would a father his daughter.

But that was not end of Yilmer, who's body took in the waters of Hasdrat, and her body changed and grew, and came forth as Ystimir, the realm tree. From her branches sprouted realms like Alesrælm, Estragrad, and Eliefgrad. Ending their grief, Wendilin and Edwelor made amends, and set to do better in the universe. Edwelor took up the role of Ystimir's caretaker, and watered her large routes with the help of  Ystimir Ewelde, the Maids of Ystimir. Wendilin took up the goal of creating the beings for Ystimir's realms, and he created many of the gods, including Weivilin, god of leaders, fathers, and warriors, Adtrix, god of ravens, messengers, and omens, and Hadgirel, the first and most powerful giant. Evalnir became the great adviser to all the gods, and made home in Asterrælm, the smallest of all realms, where Yeilmir, first child of Ystimir, stands.

And so was how the realms came to be, and the beginning of Edgrasvit, the first era of all.