Saturday, August 24, 2019

The Stories of Awlndreion: Part 3

While on a trip to the nearby village, Awlndreion stumble across an old woman, who has crying by the roadside. When Leofwine asked her what was wrong, she told him that a Great Dark Mage, the son of the Dark Magic God Winexer no less, has taken her daughter, and turned her into a squirrel. She told him that in order to turn her back, she had to feed her a brew made from fish eyes, the bark of a Aperwood tree, and dragon bone.

 Awlndreion pitied the old woman, and offered to help her save here daughter. First, Awlndreion went to a nearby stream, and caught several fish. Then, he went in search of a Aperwood tree. He traveled far until eventual, at the edge of  Jagnirland, he found the tree. Yet before he could remove the bark, a blinding light shown before him. Once he regained his vision before him was the goddess Nereya, the beautiful goddess of summer and light. She would not allow Awlndreion to cut into the tree sacred to her. However, Awlndreion  determined to help the old woman and her daughter, would not give up. He asked if he could do anything to change her mind. She asked him to go, and kill the half troll Maalik, and his pack of hunting orcs, who had resently killed a elven mage she favored.

Awlndreion took on the task, and headed for the Darc mountains. With the help a a griffin rider named Alw, found the Half-Troll’s lair. Nowing he was incapable of defeating Maalik head on, he deviced a clever plan. First, he had Alw ride his griffin, Windslasher, over the Half-trolls cave. When Maalik came out to stop the ruckus, Awlndreion pushed a large boulder downon his head, killing him. Awndreion then used his bow to kill the remaining orcs, while Windslasher grabbed others and dropped them of a nearby cliff.

After cutting and gathering the heads of Maalik and his lieutenants head’s, he went back and showed them to Nereya. Impressed by his determinatio, she allowed him to take some of the bark. After that, Awlndreion prepared to go and get the next peace, the dragon bone. And it would not be easy, as the dragon he would face was Agler Tral,the Bane of Mortals.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Of Dwarves and Men

There is a tale,
From old Romsdal,
About an event in the night.
When forces collided,
Realms no longer divided,
Under a full Moon’s light.

One were men,

So proud and tall,
Who hunted the hilly lands.
The others were dwarves,
So tough and fierce,
Who made great tools by hand.

The two groups met,

And over time they spent,
Learning of each others ways.
As men learned how to smelt,
And dwarves learned to skin pelt,
Over the coming days.

And as time did pass,

The bound would grow fast,
And their links arose.
The two groups became friends,
Blood brothers to the end,
To face any and all foes.