Long ago, in the lands of Azileax, there was a mighty Kingdom. And this kingdom was in the Azlexii Tongue Fyericept Egelégwen, the Kingdom of the Egelégwens, whose name means Champion Blade. For over four hundred years, they ruled parts of Éanharn and Lethéori, settling along the Wéafieren River, which is known to be fierce, and none can swim across, say the mightiest warriors.
It was to this clan was born Caroeir, whose name means Brave Blood. And when he was born, it was shown that his spirit contained great merûl, the part of one's spirit that contains a person's magical potential. This was no surprise, as long had the Egelégwen Clan been gifted with strong mages and wizards, and the patron god to them was Eterev, god of magic. But Caroeir proved to be very strong, stronger in magic than any Azlexii since likely the days before the Second Lich War.
And Caroeir indeed proved to be a great mage, being able to do many powerful spells from a young age. As he grew, his powers continued to grow. At this time, the Egelégwens were falling under invasion, by a coalition from its neighbors. Caroeir was sent to fight the forces under Neprnyal, whose name means Griffin Night, which had led an army towards the Wéafieren River. In battle, Caroeir rose great heaps of earth, which he then moved to force the enemy host into where he wanted, and even bearing them in the earth. This resulted in a Neprnyal route, and Caroeir, with his cousin Jéhgrnra, whose name means Chosen Bow, across Lethéori.
However, at that time the Fyeri and Clan Chief of the Egelégwens, was slain in battle against a confederation of tribes from Fréanésar, a fertile land of Éanharn. When learning of this, Caroeri rushed across Fyericept Egelégwen with his army against the Fréanésari, who now raided the Éanharn side of the Kingdom, and even the Clanhold of the Egelégwen, killing many of Caroeir’s family. Enraged by this, Caroeir hunted down the Fréanésari army, finding them at a small lake, named Wéanéori, meaning warm soil. Caroeir was outnumbered, but so angered by the actions of the enemy host, he was able to call upon the spirit of Wéanéori, and have the entire lake’s water rise, and attack the Fréanésari. Shocked and confused, the host fled, and many were drowned by the water, or killed by Caroeir’s men. Caroeir chased the survivors back to Fréanésar, and forced it to become a Client State of his Clan.
The remaining elders of the Egelégwens were impressed by Caroeir, and so unanimously made him the next Clan Chief, and so Fyeri of all their lands. Caroeir’s first act was to turn his clan’s Clanhold into a fortress, using his magic and many laborers to make a stone wall, it was surpassed only by the great fortress works of the Dwarves and Fyericepts long ago, with in front a statue of Eterev, with his wood staff and enchanted sword in hand. And on those walls Caroeir placed spells to deter any who would climb over the wall, whether by hand, rope, or ladder, and which would to its enemies appear powerful and conquerable. Caroeir then looked across to the Wéafieren River, it’s waters powerful, and only crossable by boat, though that was still difficult. So Caroeir then built a bridge, as grand as the walls of his Clanhold, which resisted the river’s might, and could be crossed easily by merchant and army alike.
Caroeir then turned to the Fyericepts enemies, and pushed its territory farther than ever before, conquering any Fyeri before him. And when he stopped, he built many smaller fortresses. And among his works was a great Canal, which connected the Elief Janigen and Carotheln Janigen, the Elven and Brave Soul Seas, which extended trade swiftly with lands like the Fyericepts of Brenlain, and the Empire of Laced.
After this, Caroeir stayed peaceful, only moving militarily when any clan or tribe revolted, or against orcs from the mountains. But besides that, his reign was peaceful for the rest of his life.
For twenty long years, his realm was one of the greatest in the all Aziléax, rivalled by few. Under Caroeir’s rule, the Fyercept Egelégwen was prosperous.
But nothing can last forever, and over time, age swept over Caroeir. He could no longer build the great statutes and monuments he once could. Caroeir knew soon he would pass from the world, but he was not ready. He looked for ancient texts that could tell him how to achieve immortality. And among old runes he started to use foul and dark arts, including Aprocralcys, a dark and terrible art, as well as necromancy. Rumors spread, and whispers of Lich work rose across Caroeir’s realm. When they learned of this, several of Caroeir’s nobles began to try and find the truth. It was Caroeir’s cousin, Zaltéan, Black Bear, who revealed the Caroeir was searching for the Staff of Zalmak.
When they learned this, the Fréanésari rebelled, as did many other clans. For three Years Caroeir fought the rebels, but to no avail. By the end he and hundreds more were slain, and the Fyericept was gone, it’s fortresses in ruins, and over a hundred clans wiped out. Caroeir’s family, the Egelégwen Clan, survived under Zaltéan, who led for forty long years, while other Kingdoms and Confederations rose and fell over the next years of chaos. Caroeir, as told by the stories, was tried by Winexer, the Azlexii God of Dark Magic and Judge of the dead, and despite his attempt to become a Lich, he was permitted to the Afterlife, to live forever with his ancestors under the twilight and Aurora.
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