Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Æthenrein's Hunt

Long had the Æthenrein waited. For hours the vælish warrior was sitting in his position. Watching, waiting. No movements came, no act that may betray him, nor sound that may sentence his death. Waiting, waiting. By dusk it looked like what he was waiting on was truly rumor, and any wise lad or hunter would have left, for the Aœrk hunted by night, and no people stayed on this mountain, where they swarmed at night. But no sense was this man. If Aœrk blades where to slit his throat, it would be of his madness. Though no Aœrk would come upon that part of the mountain, no no. They to long told stories and rumors like those of men, and while once the two creatures may have long ago allied to destroy the Vælii, Elief, dwarn, and other Hestrs, they no longer held those treaties, as endless time drives appart all friends say the Drucs. And this one had never been friend of any, even of his own species. Night fell, an yet Æthenrein made no movement. No movement nor sound was made. Far of Wolves and Aœrks howled, and Owls screeched. Far off they were, avoiding the beast. Hours pasted, and he waited. Then finally the creature left it’s lair. Whether it finally picked up human smell, or decided to hunt after decades of slumber, it left it’s cave. It was a Drægeln, the winged beasts long was the bain of men, who once long ago killed and cursed their Fyeri, who long fought their kind. Now Æthenrein made movement. He took his bow, and pulled out a great arrow. It’s silverish iron tip gleamed like the moon. With great pression he took aim at the creature, flying now far in the clouds. He fired the arrow, and it flew through the sky. And Æthenrein “Threcos, threcos jel. Threcos, threcos jel.” ‘Fly, fly far. Fly, fly far.’

7:52 PM
Runic texts glowed on the arrow, it climb and climb, till it reached the beast. Yet true the shot was not. It hit to far from the heart, and while grave the wound and pain was, the Drægeln now knew the location of its hunter, who now would be prey. It winged around towards the humans pearch. “Sacrasf” Æthenrein whispered as he drew another arrow. With great speed the beast came. Within no time it’s flames would engulf Æthenrein. But Æthenrein was aiming at him. He saw the creature close in, watched it’s mouth fill with flames. He aimed with pression, but on top of him the beast was. It started to pour out its flames. The perch was engulfed, as he let loose the arrow into the Drægeln’s head.

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