The marriage between Aelfled and Awldreion was going well. Many had come from all walks of life, from Great Kings to poor farmers, having heard of Leofwine’s great feats, and came pay respects to the great hero, and to bring gifts of silver, furs, and other wonders. Yet there was one guest, who’s reasons of coming were not of good intentions. This was of the Dark Mage Almisier, who name means Stone-Heart, for he was cruel, and malicious. He had come, desquised as a poor beggar, and went up to Awldreion and Aelfled. He said, “Great hero, oh how i am below seeing you in flesh. Though it not of tradition, and of great disrespect, i ask that of one of your many things, i may take one, for i am poor, and and though i may feast today at your table, i must find way substane myself for many a more years.”
Awldreion showed kindness. “Indeed, chose anything of mine to take for yourself.” Then, with a great flash of purple light, Almisier revealed himself before Awldreion and his guests. “Then great hero!” He said with great delight, “I shall take from you your new wife! Aelfled!” This was out of order or costum, as Aelfled, being that of a sentient being, could not be made a gift, nor was Awldreion‘s to give, and non gift ahould be given, as Almisier used tricker and lies to ask for a present. Yet before any could protest, Almisier sucked Aelfled into a a amulet of a purple gem, and in a flash of light, was no longer present, having fled now to his fortress of Eynaklen, or Cold Dungeon, to have his own way over her.
Such even grew anger in Awldreion He swore on Weivilin, and on Adtrix, that he would do anything to try and free Aelfled. And his friend, Alw, his father, Kenelm, and a many a guest of his wedding, made the same vow, and agreed to lead their forces against Eynalken, and of those that served Almiesier.
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