Sunday, August 30, 2020

The Great War of the Dragons

    Long ago, before rose the walls of Laced and it’s empire, and when still in similarity to Azileax were places such as Kiasaro and Arnethland, the Azlexii had formed two great kingdoms, and these were Åvanésar in the West, which in Balbestine Tongue was Home Vale, and Wéanharneth in the East, which in Balbestine Tongue was Warm Mountain. And also lay the three Kingdoms of the Giants, Elves, and Dwarves, which were in their native tongues Joltgon, Great Dale, Feyaweat, Fair Forest, and Gwegrark, Iron Hall. These were the Kingdoms from which the followers of the Azlexii Pantheon worshipped, and between the realms was great trade and knowledge, and in the honor of fellow kings and warriors great feasts were held, and common were the games of strength and wit between them, and in many a clan and home all was well, and what little there was of war was between petty disputes or skirmishes beyond the Azileax regions.

Yet where joy and light existed, must so be some dread or darkness, and though not tainted fully was the souls of the Azlexii, though indeed they did see scheme and greed, another great race, not Man nor Dwarf or giant nor elf, but of another race, of cold hearts and dark minds, and that lived in the northern islands and their mountains, that still be not fully explored nor have many in population. This was the race of Dragons, and in those days they were of greater number, and so too was their strength. Dragons that could be as small as falcons or other birds, and some who in size were more akin to great hills and even small mountains.

The king of the dragons, first of all dragons, for near immortal some are by age, did have some heart, but his brethren were not of such warmth. And in them they saw themselves as the greatest race, and even more closer to the gods then any other, though even the gods of dark thoughts or deeds saw them as wicked, and saw the others as the templates for which they came. And if so it be that they went against the others, what would the gods care? For the races of giants, elves, and dwarves all had true realms that, though not as large or great as Æareth, were still glorious. And as for the race of humans, they had been but the template for even the dragons, and what love could be given to them?

But even as many turned to wage destruction in the Ground Born as they called the others, their King would do no act, for he had when created had once been small, and once injured, and nursed to health by a human, whose descendants now lay on both human thrones. But by some trickery or dark magic, one day of deep winter the Dragon King let out a great cry that was heard even beyond Æareth, and then died, and formed a great mountain on the island of Brenlain, taller then any for thousands of leagues. And in his place rose a new leader, and he was thirsty for blood and war, and so he began his plans to conquer the Azlexii Kingdoms, and then the entirety of Æareth.

First he launched attacks on the giants, for with their great bows they could pierce near any dragon’s scales. And for it’s worth greatly the giants fought back, and in that time too those of them as tall as small mountains existed, and would kill alone hundreds of dragons. But launched against them was the full might of the Dragons, and they soon came to drive the giants to near extinction, and for a time those that remained had great fear, and fled far south, until they hoped to one day return, though they were scattered, and any idea of a kingdom of giants was lost.

As for the Elves, Dwarves, and Men, they sent before men to fight with the giants, but all such forces, though valiant in battle, were burned to ash or clawed to death, if not eaten in whole by the dragons. But with the giants gone the dragons moved on the other, and though to all four kingdoms they sent armies, to the dwarves they sent the greatest, as they could forge weapons better then any of man or elf, and such blades could slay many a dragon, to which others may only kill if sent through eye or mouth. But the dwarves lived underground, and in their cities of deep stone they had many spots to hide and holes to outmaneuver the enemy, whose large forces were cramped or too big for such caves. Yet still the dragons sent an onslaught onto them, and many were killed.

As for the lands of men and elves, the dragons thought such conquests would be easy. But they were not so easily defeated. For before such tides of war were waged, the gods in forsight saw the plans of the dragons, and in such love as was known by some of them, they made to aid the other races, and so many were born with the blood of gods, and these were greater masters of magic and war then any other.

But they too faced many deaths, and for forty years the war waged. But in the darkest days, there rose a leader. From the kingdom of Åvanésar, rose the only son of their king, who’s name was Aneshwéoth, Mans Fury. And though he was of human blood, he was valiant and strong of will, and he rose with bow and sword against the dragons, and before him they fell, and from the kingdoms of men, elves, and dwarves driven back were the dragons, and so appeared to be then end of the war.

But as Aneshwéoth and those of the four remaining kingdoms rejoiced and feasted, not done were the dragons, for their king still lived, and beside him was a servant both cunning and cruel as the greatest of Liches or dark creatures of a nightmare realm. And this monster was by men named Grégruswé, Wicked Smile, for his mouth formed a smile that was evil and laughing. And he was powerful in magic, and in many ways was leader to even the King, and he swayed him to launch all out destruction on the four remaining kingdoms, and that before so he would lay wicked enchantments on those realms, so that they must fall. And though few dragons remained, so did the Dragon King do, even if by that end he lay the last dragon.

And so to work went Grégruswé, and such might was his enchantment that it choked even him of life, though live he did, but became weak and frail And through his devilry waters rose in the halls of the dwarves, cold and unstoppable, and they were flushed out and many slaughtered. The trees of the elves shriveled, and burned faster than they could run. And for the humans of Wéanharneth, who lay close to the sea, a storm came so powerful, that barely warranted would there be for dragons to go, as even those beyond mountains in that realm felt the heavy winds and rains. And for Åvanésar, a plague was launched that killed many, and it was to them the greatest attack was launched. Aneshwéoth fought on, but on him personally Grégruswé left a terrible curse, for he had deeply wounded Grégruswé once, and even though he healed fully he did not forget. And so for as long as he held weapons, from inside him slowly his body decayed, and with each dragon he killed more painful it was to walk and fight. But Aneshwéoth was not swayed from battle, and fought on, until finally so much of him decayed that he fell in battle, and would not rise.

But though he fell and hearts despaired in men, the dragons were defeat, for of some warrior who’s name is lost, and who is only known as Æthéanes, Savior of Men, for he with a enchanted bow killed the King of Dragons, and when that happened so few dragons were left, and when they heard or sensed his fall, they fell back and hid in mountains and caves, and among them Gréfruswé, for he was weak and cowardly, and so would hide forever from time to time curse random kings and warriors, though too weak, he was to do much harm.

But here came the last devilry of Grégruswé, for the spirit Aneshwéoth left his body, but would not be sent with Eterev to the afterlife, but was stuck in the sky, and could only watch and weep as so many of his people had been killed. But to honor him, the gods reformed his spirit to be in the stars, and it would appear as he was, a weeping king.

And though the dragons were gone, all but the kingdoms of elves failed, and of each race less then a third of their number remained. The Sister of Aneshwéoth thought reformed Åvanésar, and it still lasts under a matriarch rule, but it is barely united, and each chief and thane acts with near independence against their Queen. And the dragons still exist, but few are left, and few still breed, and fewer still they will be, and to some of them the war is still fresh, and they wish they never knew any other creatures, and kill nearly all that cross them, and in turn all that cross them try to kill them.

Friday, August 28, 2020

Lawch Greenwood

 Oh the waters of Greenwood,

The Lawch that all love,

They are as cool as the wind,

As deep as the sea.

On the waters of Greenwood,

Oh bless her beauty,

They are life nature,

Wild and free.

Lawch Greenwood

Great Lawch of the land

The place where I left,

My heart and soul.

Lawch Greenwood

The Gift of the gods

The mountains kneel to you,

They bend so low.

The gods made her beauty,

The great Lawch Greenwood,

They made her waters calm,

They gave her beautiful shores.

The gods gave her breath,

Her spirit, so gentle,

The creatures that live near her,

She does adore.

Lawch Greenwood

Great Lawch of the land

The place where I left,

My heart and soul.

Lawch Greenwood

The Gift of the gods

The mountains kneel to you,

They bend so low.

On her, man settled,

They too found her beauty,

They fish in her bays,

They drink her cool water.

They love her so dearly,

They give their hearts to her,

I did the same,

When I laid eyes on her.

Lawch Greenwood

Great Lawch of the land

The place where I left,

My heart and soul.

Lawch Greenwood

The Gift of the gods

The mountains kneel to you,

They bend so low.

She cares for all creatures,

That would do her no harm,

She loves them with a heart,

Greater then her lands.

The men on her borders,

They vow to protect her,

They work to defend her,

Hand in hand.

Lawch Greenwood

Great Lawch of the land

The place where I left,

My heart and soul.

Lawch Greenwood

The Gift of the gods

The mountains kneel to you,

They bend so low.

Lawch Greenwood

Great Lawch of the land

The place where I left,

My heart and soul.

Lawch Greenwood

The Gift of the gods

The mountains kneel to you,

They bend so loooooow.

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

The Fall on the Eleif

The War on the Eleif

When Wendilin had taken the Elves, or as in theirs and the Azlexii tongue Eleif, he gifted them with wisdom, and great thoughts of knowledge in magic and the arts, and set them to settle in the greatest forests of Azileáx. When they met humans, and later with the coming of the Azlexii they did meet, and had wondrous times. Trade flowed from Dwarven city states through human woods and fields to the Elves, who worked in swift blades and ornate jewelry, which found possession in the great Kings of the Azlexii, who valued the gifts as if members of their clan.

But not all came well, for with great knowledge there was need of great wisdom, and in latter years did such wisdom lack in the elves, and they began to let in thoughts of power, and narcissism.

“Why should we deal with humans?” Pondered the Fairhaired elves, who lead elvish kind. “We are superior in ways they do not understand. Even among our lesser kin with red hair and freckled faces, they are greater then that of man, dwarf, or giant.”

And so the elves talked, yet in early years of such beliefs little changed, and trade flowed and peace stood. But then the elves stop discussing to themselves simply in mumbles about superiority, and turned to talks of action. When the Traders of Humans came to the  Kingdoms of the Elves, they found that much of their goods taken, and claimed as tribute, then limited in the values of what left they could trade. Then when one of them complained of the treatment by the elves, he was imprisoned, and never heard from again. The only thing that was ever seen of him, was the fingers sent back to his Thane. The once grand view of the Elves, of fantastic craftsmen and intelligent thinkers, skilled warriors who aided in wars against Dragons and Liches, was turned into stories of cruel men, twisted by Hubris and blinded by wealth. 

The gods looked down upon the earth, and many were disgusted by the Elves, abandoning them. For twelve years the Elves watched as their crops failed, their hunts faltered, and their crafts quality fall. Some saw their errors and prayed to the gods for forgiveness, but the Få of the Elves said that it was the Humans, that they had become jealous, and cursed them with dark magic, and tricked the gods into forsaking them. He vowed they would pay for their jealousy. When on the new year the Druids sliced the Fåyer's plans, but he dismissed them, believing it a sign of triumph. When the Druids realized his madness, they fled with what followers they could gather, knowing the doom that would come.

The Fåyer drew on every clan to supply there sons for war, and launched raids on the human tribes and clans. At this time one man had risen as Avansar of many of the nations, including those attacked by the Elves. His name was Vlolg, who's name meant Despot, for at birth omens showed he would become a man feared and rule over great Realm. Vlolg sent a messenger to the Elves, to cease their raids or be destroyed. Like the Merchant who once complained many years ago, all that the Vlolg ever saw of the messenger again was several fingers. Enraged, Vlolg gathered his men, and marched on the Elves. For half a decade he warred against them, leading men onto the Elven lands, and crushing those that resisted. For how they treated his messenger, Vlolg decided that all should be punished, and in the river and stream blood flowed as the Elves were beheaded, and their bodies thrown in the water. Finally Vlolg faced the Elven Fåyer in battle. The Fåyer was skilled, but no match for Vlolg. When he had killed the Fåyer, he gave the body to be eaten by his Wolves, and what remained of his bones buried. Vlolg left the Elven lands, barren and void of living, but not of dead.

From the Elief lands rose spirits. These were the Elief Marna, ghosts that were filled with rage and hate. Long past the age of Vlolg and his kingdom, and on for all time these spirits would haunt the Elief lands, and would harm those that would come upon it, only the greatest of magic and swords made from ancient elven silver could harm them. Meanwhile, those that fled from there came to the lands of Nevev and Flales, were they remain in small numbers. Never again would they travel to their homeland where their Hubris and greed had turned them from the wisest of all mortals, to corrupted monsters, who's fates had been tied by false illusions of superiority.