It was time for Awlndreion’s greatest quest yet. To complete the ritual he would need dragon bone. And the nearest known dragon was Agler Tral, who’s name in Dragonese ment ban of mortals. Agler Tral had slain many warriors, and destroyed hundreds of mountain clans and villages. His fire was so hot it melted metal, and his scales were so thick than even the the great weapons made in the forges of the Flaming mountains could not make great way into his body. Yet despite this, Awlndreion along with his new friend Alw, rushed to where the dragon was said to stay.
For many days they scouted the land, and made a plan to ambush and kill the beast. Yet Agler Tral had great hearing, and for long he heard the sound of griffin feathers in the wind. He caught them of guard in there sleep. In one bight he swallowed Awlndreion in one gulp, and brought Alw and his griffin into his lair interntain him and to eat later. Yet Awlndreion was still alive, and while going down the dragon’s neck he dug a knife into the beast, and made a slow desent into the dragon until he heard a great thump from the wall. He the took out another dagger made from a griffins and started hacking into where the heart was. Agler Tral shreik as the dagger plugged into him, and he tried to claw into his body at where he was being hurt, but his own thick scales defied him. After much hacking, Agler Tral was dead, and Awlndreion exited the dragon, with several bones he also hacked out.
Awlndreion and Awl then went back to the old woman, and after much searching for the squirrel, who hand ran far of since then, they fed it the paste. The squirrel changed into a young maiden of untold beauty. So beautiful that Awlndreion feel in love with here at first sight. Soon, he had convinced her, who’s name Aelfled, and her mother to let them get married. Yet still there were troubles, as the dark mage that turned Aelfled into squirrle caught wind of the marriage, and he made ready, for though he was not invited, he would come, and would cause a great disturbance.